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The Way To Organic Pomegranate And International Market

On : November 1, 2024    |    By :   

Masoud Avanloo

   |    10 min. read


The pomegranate market fruits are categorized under the berry fruits that belong to the Lythraceae family. Pomegranate fruit is considered among the healthiest fruits due to its rich vitamin E and C content. Pomegranate has several properties such as anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity which has led to its wide incorporation in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food industries. The pomegranate is widely used for various cosmetic products due to its anti-aging and acne prevention properties as well as it acts as a sunscreen and moisturizer. Moreover, the increasing demand for cosmetic and personal care products propels its market growth.
The key companies operating in the global pomegranate market are:
  • POM Wonderful LLC,
  • Lakewood Inc.,
  • The Coca Cola Company,
  • The J.M. Smucker Company,
  • Gilan Gabala Canning Factory,
  • Gateway Group,
  • TTM Food,
  • Taj Agro Products Ltd.,
  • PepsiCo.
The global pomegranate market is segmented by product, category, application, and geography. The pomegranate concentrate in the product sector is accounted for holding the major share in the market owing to its broad utilization in preparing various juices and medicinal syrups. The pomegranate juice segment is also witnessing traction as it is consumed as a nutritional drink due to its immunity-boosting properties. The organic pomegranate segment is leading due to the increase in consumers' demand for organic and clean-label products. The organic products are perceived to be healthier than the conventional variant as it is free from any harmful chemical and pesticides. The food and beverage segment is holding the major share in the application sector due to the extensive utilization of pomegranate market in various food products. The beverage segment is leading as pomegranate juice is used for formulating various functional drinks, cocktails, and mocktails to enhance its flavor and aesthetic appeal. The pomegranate juice is used for making vinegar which is used in salads and dressings to improve the taste and texture.
Regional Analysis:
Asia Pacific region is the fastest-growing market for pomegranate due to the presence of countries such as India and China in the region which are amongst the largest producer of pomegranate in the world. The rise in per capita consumption of food products due to the growing population is a macro-economic factor that drives the market. The countries export large amounts to pomegranate to the other regions which have led to higher revenue generation. Further, many multinational companies are setting up their production base in the region due to the presence of potential markets such as India, China, and Japan boosts its regional market growth. North America is expected to witness robust growth in the pomegranate market in the upcoming years due to the increase in consumption of functional drinks as consumers prefer them over the high-sugar containing carbonated beverages. The increasing demand for pomegranate fresh fruit and its derived products due to the inclination towards plant-based products has contributed to its regional market growth. Europe is witnessing substantial growth in the pomegranate market due to the presence of Germany and the U.K. which are among the major pomegranate consuming countries in the region. The increasing preference of the consumers towards fruit that is easy to prepare and ready-to-eat has positively impacted the regional sales performance of pomegranate.

Why should we eat pomegranate?

Health Benefits:
Pomegranates are popular because they are good for you. They have a lot of antioxidants, they reduce inflammation, and they may even be good for your heart. This makes people want to buy the fruit and its products. More people are becoming aware of wellness and healthy eating trends, which makes them more likely to eat pomegranates and goods made from pomegranates.
Increasing Their Uses:
Pomegranates are added to more goods, like juices, sauces, dietary supplements, and cosmetics, which makes them more popular in more areas.
Increased Availability:
Better logistics in the supply chain and more land for farming have made fresh pomegranates and processed goods more available, making them easier for customers to get.
Global Demand Growth:
The Pomegranate Market is growing because more people in developing markets can afford to buy fruits and vegetables and their eating habits are changing.
Nutritional Awareness:
Pomegranates are more popular and eaten because they are advertised as a superfood and are used in health and fitness programs.
Product Development Innovations:
Health-conscious consumers are drawn to pomegranate-based goods that are always getting better, like functional drinks and nutraceuticals
Marketing and Promotion:
People are more likely to buy pomegranates when they hear about their health benefits and how versatile they are in marketing and promotional efforts.
Natural and organic food trends:
More and more people want to buy natural and organic foods, which helps the demand for pomegranates, which are often sold as a healthy and natural choice.
Uses in cooking:
Adding pomegranates to a variety of foods and meals, from salads to desserts, makes them more appealing and encourages people to eat them.

Import Organic Pomegranates direct from the producer


Organic pomegranates collected at the optimum point of maturity and this is how you will be able to taste their exquisite and original flavour. Sweet, Fresh and Natural, Taste them! In Avan Commerce we offer you these Organic Fruits, that have been cultivated respecting the environment, this way they have more properties, vitamins and minerals. At Avan Commerce we grow organic pomegranates in the traditional way, harvested at the optimum point of ripeness, and this is how you will be able to taste their exquisite and original flavour. Sweet, Fresh and Natural. The organic pomegranate that we grow in Avan Commerce, has many nutritional properties beneficial to health and has a great antioxidant power, its energy value is very low. In addition, it has natural pigments that protect the fruit, preserving it with all its properties in a natural way. The pomegranate is a fruit rich in minerals, especially potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron and magnesium. It also contains mainly vitamins C, B1 and B2, although in smaller quantities.


الرمان العضوي الذي نزرعه في أفضل نقطة نضج، وبهذه الطريقة ستتمكن من تذوق نكهته الرائعة والأصلية. حلو، طازج وطبيعي، تذوقه! في أفان كوميرس نقدم لك هذه الفاكهة العضوية، التي تم زراعتها مع مراعاة البيئة، وبهذه الطريقة تحتوي على المزيد من الخصائص والفيتامينات والمعادن. في أفان كوميرس نزرع الرمان العضوي بالطريقة التقليدية، ونحصده في أفضل نقطة نضج، وبهذه الطريقة ستتمكن من تذوق نكهته الرائعة والأصلية. حلو، طازج وطبيعي. الرمان العضوي الذي نزرعه في أفان كوميرس، له العديد من الخصائص الغذائية المفيدة للصحة وله قوة مضادة للأكسدة كبيرة، وقيمته من الطاقة منخفضة جدًا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يحتوي على أصباغ طبيعية تحمي الفاكهة وتحافظ عليها بكل خصائصها بطريقة طبيعية. الرمان فاكهة غنية بالمعادن، وخاصة البوتاسيوم والفوسفور والمنجنيز والكالسيوم والحديد والمغنيسيوم. كما يحتوي بشكل أساسي على فيتامينات C وB1 وB2، وإن كانت بكميات أقل.


Biologische granaatappels geplukt op het optimale punt van rijpheid en zo kunt u hun voortreffelijke en originele smaak proeven. Zoet, vers en natuurlijk, proef ze! Bij Avan Commerce bieden we u deze biologische vruchten aan, die met respect voor het milieu zijn geteeld, op deze manier hebben ze meer eigenschappen, vitaminen en mineralen. Bij Avan Commerce telen we biologische granaatappels op de traditionele manier, geoogst op het optimale punt van rijpheid, en zo kunt u hun voortreffelijke en originele smaak proeven. Zoet, vers en natuurlijk. De biologische granaatappel die we bij Avan Commerce telen, heeft veel nutritionele eigenschappen die gunstig zijn voor de gezondheid en heeft een grote antioxiderende kracht, de energiewaarde is erg laag. Bovendien heeft het natuurlijke pigmenten die het fruit beschermen en het op een natuurlijke manier met al zijn eigenschappen behouden. De granaatappel is een vrucht die rijk is aan mineralen, met name kalium, fosfor, mangaan, calcium, ijzer en magnesium. Het bevat ook voornamelijk vitamine C, B1 en B2, hoewel in kleinere hoeveelheden.


Melograni biologici raccolti al punto ottimale di maturazione ed è così che potrai gustare il loro sapore squisito e originale. Dolce, fresco e naturale, assaggiali! In Avan Commerce ti offriamo questi frutti biologici, che sono stati coltivati ​​nel rispetto dell'ambiente, in questo modo hanno più proprietà, vitamine e minerali. In Avan Commerce coltiviamo melograni biologici in modo tradizionale, raccolti al punto ottimale di maturazione, ed è così che potrai gustare il loro sapore squisito e originale. Dolce, fresco e naturale. Il melograno biologico che coltiviamo in Avan Commerce, ha molte proprietà nutrizionali benefiche per la salute e ha un grande potere antiossidante, il suo valore energetico è molto basso. Inoltre, ha pigmenti naturali che proteggono il frutto, conservandolo con tutte le sue proprietà in modo naturale. Il melograno è un frutto ricco di minerali, in particolare potassio, fosforo, manganese, calcio, ferro e magnesio. Contiene anche principalmente vitamine C, B1 e B2, anche se in quantità minori.


Olgunluğun en uygun noktasında toplanan organik narlar ve bu şekilde onların enfes ve orijinal lezzetini tadabilirsiniz. Tatlı, Taze ve Doğal, Tadın! Avan Commerce'de size çevreye saygılı bir şekilde yetiştirilen bu Organik Meyveleri sunuyoruz, bu şekilde daha fazla özellik, vitamin ve minerale sahipler. Avan Commerce'de organik narları geleneksel şekilde, olgunluğun en uygun noktasında hasat ederek yetiştiriyoruz ve bu şekilde onların enfes ve orijinal lezzetini tadabilirsiniz. Tatlı, Taze ve Doğal. Avan Commerce'de yetiştirdiğimiz organik nar, sağlığa faydalı birçok besin özelliğine sahiptir ve büyük bir antioksidan gücüne sahiptir, enerji değeri çok düşüktür. Ayrıca meyveyi koruyan, tüm özelliklerini doğal bir şekilde muhafaza eden doğal pigmentlere sahiptir. Nar, özellikle potasyum, fosfor, manganez, kalsiyum, demir ve magnezyum olmak üzere mineraller açısından zengin bir meyvedir. Ayrıca daha az miktarda da olsa çoğunlukla C, B1 ve B2 vitaminleri içerir.


Granadas ecológicas recolectadas en el punto óptimo de maduración y así podrás degustar su exquisito y original sabor. Dulces, Frescas y Naturales, ¡Pruébalas! En Avan Commerce te ofrecemos estas Frutas Ecológicas, que han sido cultivadas respetando el medio ambiente, de esta manera tienen más propiedades, vitaminas y minerales. En Avan Commerce cultivamos granadas ecológicas de forma tradicional, recolectadas en el punto óptimo de maduración, y así podrás degustar su exquisito y original sabor. Dulces, Frescas y Naturales. La granada ecológica que cultivamos en Avan Commerce, tiene muchas propiedades nutricionales beneficiosas para la salud y tiene un gran poder antioxidante, su valor energético es muy bajo. Además, tiene pigmentos naturales que protegen la fruta, conservándola con todas sus propiedades de forma natural. La granada es una fruta rica en minerales, especialmente potasio, fósforo, manganeso, calcio, hierro y magnesio. También contiene principalmente vitaminas C, B1 y B2, aunque en menor cantidad.


Romãs orgânicas coletadas no ponto ideal de maturação e é assim que você poderá saborear seu sabor requintado e original. Doce, Fresco e Natural, Prove-as! Na Avan Commerce oferecemos a você essas Frutas Orgânicas, que foram cultivadas respeitando o meio ambiente, dessa forma elas têm mais propriedades, vitaminas e minerais. Na Avan Commerce cultivamos romãs orgânicas da maneira tradicional, colhidas no ponto ideal de maturação, e é assim que você poderá saborear seu sabor requintado e original. Doce, Fresco e Natural. A romã orgânica que cultivamos na Avan Commerce, tem muitas propriedades nutricionais benéficas à saúde e tem um grande poder antioxidante, seu valor energético é muito baixo. Além disso, possui pigmentos naturais que protegem a fruta, preservando-a com todas as suas propriedades de forma natural. A romã é uma fruta rica em minerais, especialmente potássio, fósforo, manganês, cálcio, ferro e magnésio. Também contém principalmente vitaminas C, B1 e B2, embora em quantidades menores.

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